Nature Play at Royal Park

Christie commercial barbecues are found in thousands of public use projects all over the world. Browse a selection of locations including parks, rooftops, playgrounds, hospitals, resorts, and retirement facilities for your design inspiration

Nature Play at Royal Park

Nature Play at Royal Park is adjacent to the Royal Children’s Hospital, providing a fantastic resource for locals and hospital patients and visitors. The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects awarded the playground Australia’s best playground in 2016. They applauded the “responsive design – to the local heritage of place by focusing on the seven seasons of the Wurundjeri as well as respecting the highly valued character of Royal Park, and by encouraging patient and staff interaction”.

Christie grills were selected for the project based on their sustainability, low carbon footprint and energy savings while providing the best communal barbecue experience.

Client: City of Melbourne
Designed by: City of Melbourne and J.C. Brown
Playground: Richter Spielgeräte by Marcus Construction
Products: Christie CC2 electric cooktops